Exchange Warranty Policy
- 1-to-1 Exchange Warranty Policy is valid for products purchased on min online channels ONLY.
- "The Warranty Coverage" period is 12 months from the date of the purchase of the product.
- "The Warranty Coverage" covers mechanical and electrical component defect(s) only. External and/or internal casings are not included in the Warranty Coverage.
- The replacement of the product will be at the declared value only.
- Customers are allowed to claim ONE-TIME REPLACEMENT ONLY within the warranty period.
- For discontinued models/products, an equivalent value model/products will be issued. Upgrades to higher-priced models/products are allowed with an additional surcharge.
- Customers are required to contact our service centre by region to determine and verify the faulty product before receiving the 1-to-1 product exchange.
- min shall not in any event be liable to person or property for any incidental, contingent, special or consequential damages.
- min reserves the right to change, amend, cancel, or remove the 1-to-1 Exchange Warranty at any time without prior notice.
- min provides free shipping to West Malaysia. East Malaysia customers will have to bear the shipping cost for replacement products.
Termination & Cancellation
The 1-to-1 Exchange Warranty will promptly terminate without a refund or exchange of a new set under the following circumstances:
- Upon expiry of the contract, disposal or repossession of the product.
- Unauthorised repair, replacement, modification and alterations or damage deemed accidental and intentional of the product.
- The product is moved out of the country (Malaysia) of purchase, rendering it ineligible for the 1-to-1 exchange.